What is “Okonomiyaki”?


1. Okonomiyaki is healthy!

Because Okonomiyaki is made from various kinds of ingredients,such as eggs, meat and vegetables, it contains much of our daily nutritional requirements.
At “Tsuruhashi Fugestu” especially, we use a large amount of cabbage with its abundance of dietaryfiber.
This fiber has the ability to “remove” excessive fat, salt and cholesterol from the food you take in.

2. Technique is required in its preparation!

The amount of moisture in cabbage differs depending upon the season.
So, at “Tsuruhashi Fugestu”, in order to maintain the great taste and texture of the cabbage we use, we adjust the way we cut it in accordance with the season. In this way, our Okonomiyaki always tastes great!

3. It’s prepared in front of your very eyes!

At “Tsuruhashi Fugestu”, cooking is performed right there in front of each of our customers! This is just our way of proving our commitment to using only high-quality materials and it is an expression of our desire to have all of our customers thoroughly enjoy the delicious taste of our food.

Health-related points


Great nutritional balance!

Although Okonomiyaki has the image of being high in calories, in fact, one Okonomiyaki is only about 570 kcal. That’s less than 1/3 of the amount of caloric intake required by a female clerical worker. This means that making Okonomiyaki one of your daily meals is actually a great way to take in the proper number of calories you need. And, since flour is used as the base ingredient, Okonomiyaki has further merit in being a truly filling dish. Of course, that flour contains both carbohydrates, used by the body as an energy source, and protein, which builds blood and muscles. The further addition of various ingredients mixed into the batter means that Okonomiyaki supplies you with a variety of nutrients in the appropriate balance.

Cabbage makes for a healthy stomach!

Even more so than many other vegetables, cabbage contains an abundance of good proteins, calcium and vitamins. Among these, it is said that vitamin U is especially good for the stomach and intestines. Moreover, the minerals it contains helps digestive absorption and also prevents nausea caused by poor digestion. In order to obtain these benefits from cabbage, it is important to consume an ample quantity.

Contains easily ingestable dietary fiber!

Dietary fiber is contained in abundance in the flour, cabbage that are used in the making of Okonomiyaki. This fiber increases performance in the stomach and intestines, removes excessive fat, and works to expel cholesterol and salt from the body. Dietary fiber is easily ingested by eating Okonomiyaki, and it is great for your overall health. When making Okonomiyaki at home, be sure to use a variety of vegetables, increase their quantity, and try to add one special addition all your own.

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